Pre-bereavement Support
We help process feelings when a loved one is diagnosed with a life-limiting condition, receives a terminal diagnosis or is reaching an advanced age. It’s completely normal to experience anticipatory grief or anxiety.
Being aware that a loved one is near end of life allows some to mentally prepare for the inevitable loss and adjust to the forthcoming changes in their lives. But this can also be a source of great stress and emotional upheaval for everyone concerned.
We can help you navigate this challenging time, build coping mechanisms and ease the grieving process when the loss occurs.
Here are some ways we can help:
Active listening
Pre-bereavement can be scary and overwhelming. Lots of questions and worries might be whirling through your mind that might be too painful to discuss with your loved ones. We offer a listening ear to help process your feelings and concerns.
How to talk about death and dying
One of the hardest situations can be breaking the news of a loved ones death or terminal illness to young children. We meet with families to discuss ways to talk to children about death and dying in an age-appropriate way. We can lay the foundations that help prepare continuing bonds and if required schedule appointments with our child bereavement counsellor.
Memory boxes
We can provide a box that can be personalised as is wished and someone from our team can help to support you or your loved ones filling the box with meaningful items. Creating these boxes can be hard but can also be an important opportunity to reflect on a life lived and all the pleasant memories that will be forever remembered. Items included might be favourite clothing items, smells, memory jars, list of favourite songs, favourite books, poems, or pictures. Anything that will help loved ones remember.
Life stories
Why not create a lasting legacy for an individual, their family or community? As the Native American proverb says, “Tell me the facts and I’ll learn. Tell me the truth and I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever.” We can record a life story with individuals nearing end of life which allows them to reminisce happy memories, pass on history and be heard through their final words to loved ones. It’s an opportunity to celebrate and share a person’s life- told by them.
At a glance
Help develop coping strategies
Provide active listening
Advice on telling children about the death of a loved one
Family support or one-to-one
Help create memory boxes or life stories
Eligibility criteria
Do you qualify?
How to book
Contact us with information about your circumstances. We’ll assess needs and tailor a plan to your needs.
T: 01434 600 384