Fundraising ideas
Raise money for the Hospice your way.
Thank you for deciding to support the Hospice! You’re in the right place if you’re looking for inspiration to get started on your fundraising journey.
Anything that raises money for the charity is fundraising. The main way you can do this is by participating in a sponsored event or challenge or host your own an event.
The A-Z of fundraising
Activity – take one a challenge event
Birthday Fundraiser, Bingo, Bake Sale / Big Bake
Cake sale, Car washing, Coffee morning, Concert
Dog show or breed walk, Drawing competition, Digital detox
Eating challenges – doughnut on a string?
Facebook fundraiser, Football tournament, Film night, Fancy dress day
Games day, Golf tournament, Give up something, Open Garden
Host at Home* (*work, school or anywhere), Hair shave
Ice bucket challenge
Jazz night, Jumble sale
Karaoke night, Knitting
Lawn mowing, Loose-change collection
Masterclass (cooking, painting, ...)
Nearly New sale, Non-uniform day
Odd Jobs, Obstacle course
Parachute jump, Pet show, Pub quiz
Quit something, Quiz
Racing night, Raffle, Running events
Sky dive, Swear box, Sponsored silence
Tombola, Treasure hunt
Unwanted gift sale
Vintage sale, Video game challenge
Walking, Wedding gifts – donations not presents, Wear Hospice Pink or Blue day
X-Factor talent competition
Zany hair day
A simple guide to creating a successful fundraising event
- Decide what you want to do. Draw on your skills, perhaps expand upon a hobby or a skill you already have.
- Set a date. Think carefully about when most people will be available and if there is any other major event on at the same time. Remember – organising an event takes time, often longer than you anticipate.
- Think about where to hold the event. Will there be adequate parking? What if the weather is bad? Plan for all eventualities.
- Publicise your event. Social networking is an excellent tool for spreading the word. If you are selling tickets consider setting up a committee to help.
- Tell us about it. We can help publicise your event by adding it to our events page on our website and adding it to Chatterbox if appropriate. Links can be included to your fundraising page or contact details. The sooner you tell us the more we can support you!
- Get sponsored. If it is a sponsored event ask us for sponsor forms. We will customise the form for your event.
- Set up a web-based fundraising page for online donations (e.g. Just Giving). You can add photos and write your own personal message. You could even write a blog.
- Ask for promotional materials. We can supply you with collecting boxes, balloons, leaflets and banners.
- The press. For some events we can contact the local media with a press release. Please contact the office for more information.
- Posters. Put posters in local shops and businesses. Most people are delighted to help the hospice. We can design these for you with our logo and charity number well in advance of your event – just get in touch.
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